First full column of my 2024 temperature quilt

As I so often do, I am head-first, gung-ho all about this temperature quilt! As I should be, I guess. It’s important to take advantage of inspiration when it hits and I was lacking inspiration at the end of 2023. But for whatever reason, this project lifted my eyes up and got me thinking creatively again.READ MORE

Don’t Miss Out! Quilt as Desired Club Enrollment Opens Soon!

Are you ready to take your quilting journey to the next level? The Quilt as Desired Club is your golden ticket to a world of quilting wonders, and it’s almost time to unlock the doors! The highly anticipated QAD Club Membership Enrollment is set to open its doors on October 2nd, and you won’t want to miss out. But act fast, because this opportunity will only be available until October 8th!


Decluttering Your Quilting Stash: 10 Tips for Fabric Destashing

We all know that feeling of excitement when we stumble upon a beautiful piece of fabric that just screams potential for our next project. But let’s be real, over time, that excitement can lead to a stash that’s bursting at the seams, making it a challenge to find what you need. It’s time to dive into the art of destashing your quilting fabric collection. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you part with all your treasures; just a thoughtful curation to make your creative journey smoother. Here are ten tips to help you navigate the destashing process without breaking a sweat.READ MORE

New Mexico Sun and Sky

One of the questions I have been asked more than once since I moved to New Mexico is how or if I think the local landscape will change my work. It’s honestly a very fair question. READ MORE

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