An Expensive Bird Cage Light DIY


birdcage light

These bird cage lights from the Conran Shop have been around for a while now and I’m completely obsessed with them. So gorgeous. The last time I was crazy for something like this, Atilla arrived, but La Voliere is way out of our budget. So, I gaze at them online.

birdcage light

La Voliere Table Lamp

birdcage light

 La Voliere Pendant Lamp

However, while we were redoing Emma’s room, I decided to try a version of the pendant on my own. Luckily, Emma was game. Her ceiling isn’t high enough for a low-hanging pendant, and the existing overhead light functions well as it, so no real need to bring in an electrician. I thought maybe I could rig something up around what was already there.

So here’s my simple, non-electrical version, which took an afternoon. I purchased a roll chicken wire for about $12 at Lowe’s, a fairly sturdy type that holds its shape, with a square grid wire pattern. I measured the circumference of Emma’s existing overhead light, and measured out 4″ from that, all the way around the light. I cut the chicken wire to the measurement I needed, then wrapped the cut wires around the opposite edge. Because the wire was packaged in a roll, it held a circular shape from the beginning (in fact, I had trouble unrolling it to cut it). The “cage” is attached with craft wire to 4 eye hooks which are screwed into the ceiling. The branches were handcrafted by the trees in our yard. There are just cut down, and stuck through the wire. The birds are from craft store (I had several from another project). Their wire feet just wrap around the branches.
Super easy, and much less expensive than the original ones.
For those who are interested in a hard-wired version, there is a great DIY version of this pendant lamp in Danny Seo’s book Upcycling.
birdcage light
Its so airy and pretty to look at! Even with the TARDIS.
You can see the entire room after pictures on Design Mom.
Happy Monday!

  • Shani Jane

    October 8, 2012 at 6:47 am

    I love what you have created! Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Seanna Lea

    October 9, 2012 at 1:34 am

    I think it works just fine with a non-wired version. It could also be pretty awesome with a set of the led Christmas lights for a low light version.

  • Genki

    October 9, 2012 at 4:05 am

    That looks fantastic! I would never have thought to DIY something like that, but it really looks amazing. Am very tempted to create one in our bedroom.

  • jess @ fushmush

    October 10, 2012 at 1:27 am

    It looks soooooo good but does it cast strange shadows in the room?

  • bedroom lighting tips

    October 18, 2012 at 7:59 pm

    That’s very clever. I wonder how you made it or at least how you came up with the whole idea, great work. It looks great! Thank you for the share! I want to have the same kind of lighting for my bedroom, it sure would look awesome.

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