Clean Sheet Day - Wise Craft Handmade

Clean Sheet Day

Clean Sheet Day
On Sundays at the wise craft house (if people play their cards right), by bedtime we all have clean sheets. Once in a while, like today, I’ll even go so far as to wash our bed quilts and do a complete strip, wash, and re-fluff (mattress covers, blankets, everything). (Disclaimer- I will also admit to many Sundays when I merely smooth the covers, throw on a fresh pillowcase, and call it good, promising I’ll get to it tomorrow- which doesn’t always happen.) But today, everything was washed. Another reason I love quilts. A handmade quilt can be washed with no worries. It doesn’t have to be dry cleaned. It comes out clean, fresh smelling, wonderfully rumply, as close to perfect as I can imagine.

Clean Sheet Day
Clean Sheet Day
I do love settling into bed on clean sheet day. We will hit the ground running and start a busy week when the alarm clock goes off tomorrow…Girl Scout meetings, taekwondo, soccer, 2 parties over the weekend. But tonight, I’m so very grateful that my kids are tucked into their clean sheets just down the hall. Like me.
Some days those little things are totally what get me through.
-I am planning a redo of our dining room. Mind you, I’ve planned this in my head for a while now (like all projects I take on around here), but its finally started to get to the next stage. There’s some potential in there that is not yet realized. We can’t buy new furniture, and I probably won’t even paint the furniture we have (I wish there wasn’t so much black, but they are nice pieces and I’m going to work with them for now). My thoughts and inspiration on this project deserve their own post. Let’s just say I’m adding some bright and snappy in there.
-I’m obsessed with crossword puzzles right now. I do at least one every night and feel a little panicky if I don’t have a book of them in my purse for emergency downtime. I downloaded the New York Times crossword puzzle app on my phone (only a so-so app, and I think its pricey), but really prefer the pencil-to-paper method anyway.  Anybody else out there have a favorite crossword puzzle resource? (Emma has started doing them too!)
– Oh! More draft blockers, I’m convinced I need these in the windows by our bed(s). Exciting, right?
Hope your week is off to a great start?
What about you?

  • Angela

    January 31, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    I recently discovered Color Me Katie too. I love the chalk footprints, and especially her sillyettes (surprise.) Enjoy your clean sheets. It was clean sheet day at the Flynn house too. A nice way to start the new week.

  • LaMammina

    January 31, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    Back when I was cramming away the night before a university exam I climbed into bed feeling totally unprepared. Probably because I had spent the whole day procrastinating doing laundry. So as I slipped into the crisp sheets I declared that it didn’t matter if I failed the exam, as long as I could always be in a position to have fresh sheets on the bed then my life would have been a success!

  • Adrienne

    January 31, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Sunday is our clean sheet day too! I just love your quilts, they look like ‘home’.

  • sarah

    February 1, 2010 at 2:14 am

    have a great week! you’ve set it up right 🙂
    crosswords have always been great fun, though if i were to start one at the present, i’d fail! experiencing over age 40 brain…!
    love those draft blockers!

  • Heather Solos

    February 1, 2010 at 3:39 am

    Thank you for the love and thank you for the link to Unhappy Hipsters. I am rolling! Recently I was part of a Pecha Kucha night and it was a hipster fashion parade. I’ve rarely felt so uncool and out of place. (I’ve felt those sensations, many times, this was just to the nth.

  • Erin | house on hill road

    February 1, 2010 at 3:52 am

    clean sheets are one of my favorite things!

  • jane

    February 1, 2010 at 5:20 am

    do you worry about fading your quilts??

  • blair/wisecraft

    February 1, 2010 at 6:13 am

    not at all! The fabrics are prewashed before I cut and sew the quilts, and the quilts just get better with washing and age. (Although there's no reason to excessively wash them, but the dyes hold up well.)

  • Sarah

    February 1, 2010 at 7:35 am

    I’m hooked on the New York Times crossword books like the one in your photo. I started by buying one in the airport, and now I pick them up at the bookstore, too. It’s my way of pretending to keep my 50+ year old brain sharp!

  • molly

    February 1, 2010 at 10:56 am

    I can’t wait to see what you do with your dining room! We stripped OLD wallpaper from ours about 2 years ago and have been trying out paint colors since then. I’ve finally decided on a very saturated mustardy-gold, yellow-green for the walls, with magenta and glass-green accents. We can’t paint our cabinetry or the wainscoting(its stained a beautiful warm reddish brown) unfortunately, but we can redo our table and a corner shelf thingie. We’re also going to paint our concrete floors this spring, yanked the carpeting out last fall.
    Now I have some sheets to wash!

  • blair/wisecraft

    February 1, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Go Molly go! You're inspiring me to get on that dining room today!

  • Wendy

    February 1, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    Nothing like the feel of clean sheets after a long day!

  • Gina

    February 2, 2010 at 5:29 am

    Oh yes, clean, wonderful smelling sheets make for a good nights sleep. Curling up with warm ones straight from the dryer are even better. 🙂

  • Eve

    February 2, 2010 at 11:17 am

    I LOVE clean sheets Sunday! Well…at least I love sleeping on clean sheets. Stripping the bed and laundering aren’t always my BFFs, but oh the smell of fresh sheets! Joy! I can’t wait for Ohio to thaw, so I can get my clothesline up!

  • kerri

    February 3, 2010 at 6:43 am

    I skipped clean sheet day this past Sunday, making up for it today. Thanks for motivation – all those creepy photos of all the little guys who eat our dead skin are slowly creeping into my head and I must act!

  • Lynn in Tucson

    February 3, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    Clean sheet day (also Sunday in our house) is my favorite. I may be a half-*ssed housekeeper (Who am I kidding? I AM a half-*ssed housekeeper) but we always have clean sheets on Sundays.
    (And isn’t Unhappy Hipsters just grand?)

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