Q(uilting) & A video- My Favorite Quilting Rulers - Wise Craft Handmade

Q(uilting) & A video- My Favorite Quilting Rulers

Quilting Rulers


When I first began quilting, there were only a few quilting rulers on the market. I could figure out what I needed pretty easily. But today? There are literally hundreds of quilting rulers available!


I should know because I invented one! There are basic ones, specialty ones, no-slip ones, you name it. If you are making your first quilt, you might be confused by all the choices.

In today’s Q(uilting) & A video, I tell you about my favorite quilting rulers. These are the ones I reach for time and time again in my studio. And, although I own and use many other rulers, these are the ones I use most. So much so, there a big chip out of the corner of one of them in the video. It just doesn’t get put away as often as it probably should, so it fell off my studio table and cracked. Good thing there’s measurements on all four sides!



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Details of what I show in the video-

6″ x 12″ Omnigrid Ruler

3 1/2″ x 24 Omnigrid Ruler

12 1/2″ square Omnigrid Ruler

The Ruby Ruler™

My rotary cutter

24″ x 36″ Cutting Mat


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quilting rulers

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