Art For All Seasons by Susan Schwake

I received a copy of Art For All Seasons: 40 Creative Mixed Media Adventures for Children by Susan Schwake just before my studio was turned upside down. Susan and her husband Rainer own Artstream Studio in Dover, NH. I got to know Susan via the internet when I was invited to participate in a group gallery show at Artstream back in 2013. Susan teaches a wonderful selection of all kinds of art classes for kids. Oh how I wish Emma and Ian could have taken some classes there!
Susan has written several art books for kids, and I highly recommend them all! Art For All Seasons, her most recent one, is full of nature-inspired art projects that encourage exploration beyond the project itself. Perfect for parents, teachers, and even grown ups like me who need to think outside the creative box some days!

Art For All Seasons
Each project combines inspiration from a contemporary maker and artist. I was honored to be asked by Susan for permission to include a project inspired by the Gathering Bunting project featured in the Fall Chapter of my own book. The kid’s project version is a wonderful bunting made of favorite animals.
Find Art For All Seasons here (affiliate link). Thank you for including me within it’s pages Susan!

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