Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 11

Granny Square Sampler
(Find all the assignments on this page.)
I’m glad some of you were able to use last week to play catch up on your squares. I myself still have a few squares to catch up on, so don’t dispair if this is you. We’ve been finishing Emma’s room, which I’ll be showing you hopefully next week!READ MORE

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 9

How is everyone doing on the granny square sampler? Is everyone up to date on their squares? I know some have been crocheting on car trips and I am so jealous, I get car sick when I try. All that wasted passenger seat time!
Granny Square Sampler
This week I have a treat to share with you for our assignment today. I asked Erin if she would be willing to jump in and share a granny square for the sampler, and she graciously agreed. This week’s square is a sweet dimensional flower she chose for us.READ MORE

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 8

Granny Square Sampler
We are hard at work on Emma’s room this week (pictures soon) and there is, as always, quite a bit of DIY involved. In fact, there are consecutive projects going on all over the house. Kind of chaotic! This all means no time for much crochet this week, as lovely as that sounds. But I did manage to complete half of this week’s assignment, I’m hoping to finish the rest over the weekend. I turned to my trusty crochet pinterest board and found one that I think adds some nice variety to our sampler. The Sunburst. This one feels retro to me, kind of 70’s, is that what you see? Anyway, her directions are written a little differently than what I’m used to. For example, she indicates the number of times you make a stitch after the stitch, (For example: “R1: Working in ring, sc 16“.) You’ll get it, I think this granny square is pretty straightforward.

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 7

African Flower
(Find all the assignments for this entire project listed on this page.)
I am so excited for this week’s square! It’s great for you beginners who are still getting the basic stitches down, but sort of adds a little flare. I found the video early this week and starting playing around with the square on Wednesday and let’s just say I think this is one of the prettiest squares I’ve ever tried. A variation of the African Flower Granny Square, its going to measure around 4 1/2″ square or so, done in our weight of yarn.READ MORE

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 6

Well, at the end of the first week of summer vacation (i.e, kid home, but I’m still working) has gone swimmingly. Ian’s school is out today, so next week the wise craft house is officially “summering”.
Bring it, summer. We’re waiting for you.
Granny Square Sampler
(Find all the assignments listed on this page.)READ MORE

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 5

Granny Square Sampler
This week, we’re going to do 2 different grannies. Both with a circle in a square shape. I was thinking we definitely needed some of these type of square in our sampler. So without further ado, here is this week’s assignment.
(Find all the assignments listed on this page.)
1. The Granny Square with a Circle Center– Make 4
Granny Square Sampler
You knew this one would eventually show up, right?
So, crochet these following the tutorial I made way back when, using and picking colors as your heart desires. Remember, the beauty of a sampler is that you “sample” your color mixes as well as your squares. Try a completely the square solid, or 2-color, or do it as originally written up. You pick.
2. The Squircle V 3– Make 3
Granny Square Sampler
I have had the image of this granny square pinned to my crochet pinterest board for a while, I love the simple straightforward look of it. I asked Deb, the creator, if I could include it as one of the squares in our project, and she kindly said yes. Her instructions are very easy to follow, I’ve already made several. (To make the 2 color version, you will change your yarn color before beginning round 4.) I will note that she makes her center circle/beginning circle differently than I do. Give it a try. Just follow her instructions, and you’ll get it quickly.
There are some gorgeous squares showing up in the Flickr Group. Thank you to everyone who posted!
As always, any questions on these squares, leave it in the comments.

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 4

Granny Square Sampler
(Find all the assignments listed on this page.)
I’m calling this week’s granny square a “V Variation”. (It’s only week 4 and I’m already out of names, I know!) There is a version of this square in the original afghan that inspired this project, which didn’t make any sense to me, so I created this pattern which makes more sense and will hopefully make sense to you. It’s a little more open than last week’s square, but similar to the traditional grannies in week’s 1 and 2. I explain a little in the videos, but there is a “V” effect with the stitch patterning in rounds 3 and 4.
Use a different color for each round of this week’s squares. I made mine totally different from each other, as you can see. I want to throw some totally random colors in my sampler in certain spots, so at times I pull out a bright citrusy orange and get crazy. I divided the videos by round, so there’s several of them.
Week 4
Square 5, “The V” (Make 2 of these- 1 version with 4 rounds, make 1 version with 6 rounds.)
4 round version- uses 4 colors
Round 1 & 2- 
With first color, ch 5, join with a sl st to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (same color)- Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), 3 dc in center of the ring, *ch 5, 4 dc in center of the ring* rep from * 2 more times, ch 5, join with a sl st to top of beg ch 3. End off.
Rnd 2– Join new color in corner (ch 5) space. Ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc all in same corner space. Ch 2, between 2nd and 3rd dc from previous row, 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc into same space (the “V” I was talking about). Ch 2. *3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc in corner space, ch 2; (1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc) bet 2nd and 3rd dc crochet; ch 2* Repeat bet * 2 more times, slip st to top of first ch 3 and end off.
Round 3- Join new color in corner (ch 3) space, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc. Ch 2, 1 dc in ch 2 sp (from previous row), ch 1, 3 dc in ch 1 sp (in the middle of the “V” from previous row), ch 1, 1 dc, ch 2. Corner- 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 2, *1 dc in ch 2 sp, ch 1, 3 dc in ch 1 sp, ch 1, 1 dc in ch 2 sp, ch 2*. Corner- 3 dc, ch 3, 3dc, repeat bet * *, corner- 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, repeat * *, slip st to top of first ch 3 and end off.
Round 4– Join new color at corner (ch 3) space, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc. *Ch 1, 2 dc in next ch 2 space, ch 1, 3 dc into the top of the center dc of the 3 dc group from previous round, ch 1, 2 dc in next ch 2 space, ch 1*; corner- 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, repeat from * *, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, repeat from * *, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, repeat from * *, slip st to top of first ch 3 and end off.
6 round version- uses 6 colors
Rnds 1- 4– Follow instructions for 4 round version above.
Round 5-Join new color at corner (ch 3) space, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc. *Skip 2 dc stitches, 3 dc into top of 3rd stitch from previous row*. Repeat bet * * 4 more times. 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner). Repeat bet * *5 times, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner). Repeat bet * *5 times, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner), repeat bet * *5 times, slip st to top of first ch 3 and end off.
Round 6-Join new color at corner (ch 3) space, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc. *Beginning at top of next dc stitch from previous round, 1 dc into the top of each dc stitch, 20 stitches.* 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner), Repeat from * *, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner), repeat from * *, 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner), 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc (corner), slip st to top of first ch 3 and end off.
Any questions, just leave them in the comments. As always, you can find the everything we’ve done till now on this project with all the links on this page.

Granny Square Sampler Project- Week 3

Here’s what we have so far. How do you like what you’ve done?
(Find all the assignments listed on this page.)
Granny Square Sampler
(Ignore that I have stitched some of my smaller ones together, that may or may not come later for you, but not to worry about doing that yet.)

Granny Square Sampler Afghan- week 2

Granny Square Week 2
Granny Square Week 2
(Find links to all the assignments on this page.)
How did everyone do on last week’s squares? If you haven’t finished those, or are still trying to get them down, no worries. This week we’ll be doing the same traditional granny square, but we’re all about quantity this time around. These repetitive ones will have you mastering this square in no time!READ MORE

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