Crafting a Colorful Home by Kristin Nicholas
In the midst of computer program learning and end of year bookkeeping tasks, the postman delivered a wonderful book on my front porch. Crafting a Colorful Home: A Room by Room Guide to Personalizing Your Space With Color by Kristin Nicholas is the kind of book I want to cozy up to, preferable under something colorful and handmade.
The first thing that struck me was page after page of beautiful color and inspiration. It was like a breath of fresh air! This book is published by Roost Books, and they make truly beautiful books. Kristin’s book is divided into 8 sections- In The Studio, The Garden and Entryways, The Kitchen, The Porch, The Living Room, The Dining Room, The Library, The Upstairs Bedrooms and Stairway.
Within each of the sections, she gives tips, thoughts, and projects to add color to that area of your home. I love the Toran project, pictured above. When I saw it, I was immediately inspired to hang the garlands I purchased last year at the Punjabi Market in Vancouver above my studio windows. (I’ll share pictures of my new, improved space soon.)
Many of Kristin’s projects are simple enough, but trigger you into getting creative in your space. I really want to make a Pom Pom Applique Cushion like the one above.
And if anything is going to get me to pick up knitting needles again, it may be this afghan above. Shots of color like that do so much for me during the drear of a Seattle winter.
Be sure to check out Kristin’s blog, Getting Stitched On The Farm, for more information about this and her other books, as well as where you can find her classes and kits.