Making Zen 2024 Online Retreat
A colleague once said to me “Our kind of business is not for the faint of heart.”
I completely understood. It is full of ups, way high ups, and crashes. Same as other businesses, I know. But so much of it is self-generated because it is usually just us at the helm, we question our business strategies constantly.
Which is why I wanted to tell you about Kate Ward and the Making Zen online retreat, happening next week, May 27-31, 2024.
So many times we do collaborative projects to provide us online exposure to new audiences, that will hopefully grow our businesses, but there is really no compensation. It’s a strategy my colleagues and I call “OPA” (other people’s audiences). There are times it is definitely beneficial when done strategically, but it requires our effort and time to make everything look good and run properly. And we have all heard that exposure doesn’t pay our bills.
When Kate Ward asked me to be a presenter/workshop instructor for the Making Zen online retreat in 2023, I did it as an OPA opportunity.
But it is really so much more than that, for both instructors and retreat participants.
I will be teaching participants how to create a simple and beautiful chicken scratch embroidered gingham border that can be sew into a pillowcase. I’ve already made several and used them to liven up my spring bed linens in our guest room. I’m not thinking the curtains in their might need a border too!
In addition to the fantastic content that participants will have get, Kate pays her instructors very fairly and competitively. She and her assistant, Amy provides us with copy, graphics, and details to make it as easy as possible for us to let you, our audience, know about what we are teaching at the retreat. The workshops can all be watched for free during the week of the retreat. Which is such an unbelievable value!
You can also purchase a VIP pass for $67. The VIP pass allows you to begin watching the workshops before the official start of the retreat, which is great for people like me who have no patience.
The VIP pass also unlocks ALL KINDS of bonus content that you will not be able to see if you join the retreat for free. And there is some extraordinary workshops!
You can join this retreat knowing that the instructors are fairly compensated for their expertise, and they have been chosen for the variety of techniques they bring to the retreat!
Each instructor is provided an affiliate link to extend to our audience. This does not change the price you pay, but it provides a small bit of compensation to the instructor, which is also so nice. Purchasing through my affiliate link tells me you trust me, and in turn I will only offer affiliate links to sites that I have vetted and truly believe in. It’s really a win-win!
If you would like to purchase a VIP pass, it is available for $67 for this week only. Once the retreat starts on 5/27, the price will increase to $97 for the same content. So don’t delay!
Get your VIP pass, find some fabric, thread, and a cozy spot… and start learning.
A sincere thank you to everyone who has already purchased through my affiliate link! Your support means the world and helps keep this tiny business of mine humming along!
P.S.- The VIP pass is available after the retreat begins on 5/27, but the price will increase to $97. If you are on the fence about whether you want a VIP pass or not, purchase before then to get the special pricing.