Meet Liliane: A QAD Spotlight Quilter!


Quilt As Desired members are the heart of our community. There is a treasure trove of creativity that’s waiting to be uncovered by each and every one of you. Today, we are rolling out the quilted red carpet to introduce you to a member of our cozy club. Liliane has been wowing us with her craft, one block at a time. She is a wonderful quilter whose passion, talent, and dedication has been spinning tales with her threads. Let’s dive into her journey and discover the artistry that’s been woven in every stitch.

Where do you live?

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada


Do you live with family or any pets?

Empty nesting with my husband, our long time pet (10+years) a Black lab – Mariah, recently passed away from cancer.


How long have you been quilting? 

Been a self taught sewer since the age of 14, including all aspects such as garments, outerwear, drapery, competitive skating dresses, alteration and repairs etc. Around age 40 I added quilting to my areas of interest, and now 25 years later my passion is quilting, while still continuing to sew extensively. 


What got you interested in quilting at the beginning?

Tried it to accommodate my own style for bed quilts ( in lieu of what was traditionally available at that time), loved the challenge and have never looked back


What is one of your favorite quilting projects you’ve ever made?

My COVID project quilt “ Color My World” design by Wendy Williams. This is a freezer paper foundation pieced quilt. 





What is one of the most sentimental quilting projects you’ve ever made?

Still a work in progress a Laura Heine Collage Quilt.  The subject is our dog Mariah from a favorite photograph, when finished the quilt will measure 50” x 50” and will be a lasting memory.


It’s not long until the holidays. Do you have a favorite holiday quilting project you’ve worked on?

Over the years I have completed numerous Christmas themed projects such as table runners, tree skirts, place mats, stockings etc. This year I am currently completing a “Scrappy” Christmas quilt, just have the quilting left to complete.


What interested you in joining the Quilt as Desired club originally?

As a member of The Quilt Show I watched the episode where Blair was featured.  On Instagram Blair presented her course material for Quilt as Desired and I was intrigued.  Particularly her approach to color value and the use of scrap fabric was what caught my attention.


How did you feel the first time you saw the Estrela quilt?

The “Sparkle” of the Estrela quilt had me mesmerized, all i could think of was “Oh wow!!” – I just had to learn how to incorporate this into my work.


Did you have any breakthroughs or any creative sparks when making the Estrela quilt?

I now have such a better appreciation for the importance of color value in a quilt and effectively use scrape fabric. [Below] is my Estrela quilt in progress – piecing border blocks now.


Thank you Liliane for sharing your work with us! Thank you also for sharing such a beautiful memory of Mariah. That piece of art is going to last for a very long time and we know her legacy is going to be cherished for so many generations.

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