My fabric storage tips- Q(uilting) & A Thursday

Quilting Fabric Storage Studio


This week I’m talking all about how I store my quilting fabric in my studio! A little over a year ago, I did a huge fabric reorganization. Here’s exactly how I did it, as well as how it’s held up since.



I have a large basement studio that I work and do business out of. Even though I would change many things about it (like more natural light) its been great and is more than ample space for me to work and play in. But admittedly, fabric storage is usually secondary. For years it was haphazardly folded and stored in two small cabinets in my studio. Almost always spilling over.

At the end of 2018 I bought an IKEA Kallax shelving system to fit in a recessed space in my studio. The measurements were perfect. My idea was all my quilting fabric stash would be stored in there. That part was successful, but the look of the shelving system was SO uninspiring. I hated it, especially because it was right beside my design wall, where I am doing design and creating work. It was an awful contrast, not inspiring at all.


I enlisted the help of Tricia Fiddler of Heywood Park Collective in March of 2019. She being in California, and me in Washington, we decided to meet virtually every other week to work on applying the KonMari philosophy to all of my studio space. The fabric category was definitely the hardest part. Tricia asked lots of questions, and challenged my thinking that having ALL of that fabric actually brought me the joy I thought it did. We also strategized on storage solutions to make the fabric more easily accessible, yet still “closed” and out of view, which would appear neat and tidy.


After a lot of deep work on the fabric category, redefining the storage, purging, and making my remaining stash accessible and inspiring, I’m happy to report its been a success. Over a year later, I am still using the storage system the way Tricia and I set it up, and find it super functional and easy to navigate and grab from.


In this week’s video, I share my original fabric storage issues, and how Tricia challenged me and held me accountable. You can see the before and after in there too. I love it! Enjoy!




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KonMari Fabric Storage Tips

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