The Wise Craft Quilt Studio construction update

Quilt Studio Windows

Wall of Windows in the Quilt Studio


There’s been lots of work happening here at our Santa Fe house. To bring you up to date- We had planned to buy a house with a studio already built, but when we found our house and its amazing location, we quickly decided it was THE house. Its super lovely but small, even for 2 people who downsized before moving in. Adding on to it was always part of the plan. We finalized plans to add on to it in 2020, but COVID and things that go with that initially slowed things down. Construction finally started about 10 weeks ago.

What we’re adding-


  • A laundry room with storage. Right now the washer/dryer is in the kitchen which is convenient, but it would be better in its own room. This would give us more storage, which would be helpful because we live 30 minutes minimum away from shopping. Buying in bulk would save trips.
  • We’re relocating the current 2nd bathroom and adding a tub. I’ve chosen some really fun quilt-inspired tile for the floor, since it will be near the studio.
  • A 3rd bedroom. Small but needed. I am hoping we have LOTS of friends wanting to visit!
  • My studio. Really the studio began the whole idea of the addition.

Things are happening at a regular pace these days, stopping long enough for an inspection here and there. It’s so exciting! I feel beyond grateful that I am getting a big beautiful studio and I’m trying to be as patient as I can (not my strongest personality trait 😉). We have no end date as of yet, but hopefully by the end of the summer.



Bathroom Tile


The quilt studio will be absolutely dreamy! Don’t get me wrong, I loved my Seattle basement studio to death for several years! It was big, and all mine. I didn’t have to worry about my creative messes getting in the family’s way. But to have a studio above ground with all the natural light our new house offers us, its going to be amazing. Like, give me a mini-fridge and a coffee maker and I can live in that room. There will be a large design wall, ample space for my sewing machines. I’m pinching myself. In the meantime, I’m just adding to my Pinterest board and measuring things out of the floor with painter’s tape.


I made a little video tour of what the addition looks like right now-

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