Ruby Ruler™ At Quiltcon!

Ruby Ruler
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful response we’ve had to the Ruby Ruler™! We are close to selling out of our first run! I am beyond excited to see it being used as the design aid it is.

Grab a Ruby Ruler™

And also a big thanks to knitters, embroiderers, and artists out there who have seen past the application as a quilter’s tool and ordered one for their own work. Whether you’re picking out yarn, designing a punch needle piece, or maybe just playing in your sketchbook- yes, it truly works for determining value in any application!

I’m also happy to announce that you will be able to find the Ruby Ruler™ at Quiltcon 2018! Brooklyn Haberdashery will be the exclusive carriers of the ruler and they will be available at their booth #222. If you are in a workshop and working through designs that could benefit from a tool like this, be sure and stop by to grab one! I will be at the booth from 12-1:00pm on Friday (2/23), demo’ing how my favorite little tool works, please stop by if you’re on the floor!

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