
Lavender Sachets
Apparently I am. There’s really no better way to describe it. It was a really busy fall/early winter season for us, and apparently I’m on the other end of it. Whenever I can, I’m cocooning myself in quilts, with a cat on my lap and a crossword puzzle or a stack of design books to keep my busy. I feel a bit lazy but I think I needed it. I’m thinking a lot about what I want to make next. (Because, around here, quilt making and big projects like that tend to get thought about in the middle of winter, and made in the middle of summer for some crazy reason.)READ MORE

In Between

When I began this blog, back in 2005, a lot of what I wrote about centered around daily life with my kids. We three spent a lot of our days together back then, and found creative ways to fill our time. I truly treasure the snippets of time that I documented on wise craft, writing about those days on this blog felt like it gave it all so much more life than just taking one photograph.READ MORE

Lego City

Lego City
Last day of summer vacation was spent building a Lego city from the ground up. They started in the morning, and did not stop until I made them get in the car to go meet their teachers and find their lockers. When we got home, they gulped down some dinner, then headed upstairs to keep building.READ MORE

The Last Bits of Summer


– of the lazy afternoons of summer
– of the peaches that need to be eaten over the sink
– of sleeping with the windows opened wide
– of spending the day in your bathing suit (um, that’s the kids, not me)
Knowing that Fall and getting back to school will bring its own memories.
But what a nice summer we’ve had!
Have a great weekend!



Tuesday felt like fall. Drizzly…cool…overcast… Oh, Fall! I’m ready. Its my favorite time of year. There is so much going on around here, yet somehow the thought of having a new routine to get us on a formal track is not coming a minute too soon.READ MORE



We got back home from a trip to North Carolina to visit family last night (and Seattle, thank you for resuming your normal 65 degree summer nights just in time for my return). READ MORE

Letters from Camp

I know it happens. They grow…they spread wings…they gain independence…yes, yes I know every bit of that, I always have. But experiencing it as a parent is both thrilling and tugging at my heart. The endless push and pull of little ones, growing.READ MORE

Bloomed Skirt, Alabama Chanin

Alabama Chanin
Longtime readers might remember when I started this skirt, from the Alabama Stitch Book. I put it away for almost a year during a time when I had no luck making anything I could wear… nothing fit, nothing hung right (lots of disasters I won’t waste time sharing). But it was such an enjoyable project to make, all it took was me cleaning out the studio shelf it was on to remember how much I loved it.READ MORE

Summer Camp Pillow

Summer Camp Pillow
Emma leaves for summer camp on Sunday. Her first time, if you don’t count the two camping trips she’s gone on with her school, which were short and heavily chaperoned by parent friends who were a cell phone call away. This one is 4 days, and about an hour away. A perfect starter one (for me as much as for her).READ MORE

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