The Paloma

The Paloma
I sit here writing this post, nursing a rather icky summer cold, and thinking about this lovely cocktail. Boy how things change in just a couple of days. From delicious summer meals, bike rides and frosty cocktails… straight to tissues, the wikileaks documentary, and a Nyquil nightcap (the only good thing about having a cold).
When I restocked and spruced up our bar cart a few weeks ago, I asked friends for drink suggestions on instagram (thank you!). Our friend Scott recommended the Paloma. When I googled and read the ingredients, I decided this would be a great drink to try while Jen was visiting. There are some variations to how it can be made, we chose to make ours with fresh lime juice, grapefruit juice, a spoonful of sugar, and club soda. It was certainly refreshing that first time I tried it, but because I wonder if sometimes the mere fact that a cocktail happens on a Friday after a very busy week can make it taste extra good, I decided to make it again the following week…this time on a Monday… tweaking the recipe I’d used the first time. That’s the recipe I give you here. I think it’s got good flavor and pretty color.
The right type of tequila is important for this drink. The original recipe called for Mescale, which is too much of a tequila investment for me. I asked at our local store for a reasonably priced recommendation to sub and was directed to Zapopone white tequila, which is much more affordable.
The color of the pink grapefruit juice makes a pretty drink (the drink pictured actually has a little yellow and a little pink combined).
The Paloma

The Paloma

Serves 1
(Note: This drink can also be made with grapefruit soda instead of the grapefruit juice and club soda.)

  • 2 oz. white tequila like Zapopone
  • Pink grapefruit juice
  • Fresh lime juice from 1/2 lime
  • Rose’s sweetened lime juice
  • Club soda
  • Coarse sale

Rub a lime around the rim of a tall glass like a collin’s glass and put the rim into a small saucer of salt. Fill the glass with ice. Add the tequila, lime juice, the sweetened lime juice to taste. Fill glass up halfway with the pink grapefruit juice, and the rest of the way with club soda. Slightly stir to combine, and garnish with lime or grapefruit.
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  • erin

    June 17, 2013 at 8:37 am

    this was my favorite cocktail last summer – i love making it with the san pellegrino grapefruit soda. so refreshing and delicious!

  • daniela

    June 17, 2013 at 11:08 am

    cool, how did you come by cups with the swiss flag on it?
    just wondering as i’m living now in switzerland and it seems a rather rare item in the us…

  • blair/wisecraft

    June 17, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    Would you believe I found them at the Japanese dollar store here in Seattle? We love them!
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Mariko

    June 17, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    I think I could start drinking if I had cocktails like that!

  • Jen victoor

    June 18, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Those glasses are AWESOME!

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