Creative Thursday’s ‘The Thursday Club’


The talented Marisa Cummings, who many of us know and love as Creative Thursday, has a special online club called The Thursday Club, as part of her bigger online membership group. What is it? The Thursday Club is a fun, creative session hosted by Marisa herself and a guest artists, presented as a live stream and as a replay if you can’t make the live stream.

I have been invited to be the guest for August! And its happening this upcoming Thursday. Our craft session will be all about “Doodle Embroidery Stitching”. Those who follow my work must know by now I enjoy handwork and hand sewing. I will guide the group through some of my favorite basic hand embroidery stitches. We’ll also discuss how I use them. I will be demonstrating on one of my very own Doodle Embroidery Kits. I’ll also be showing how to stitch through a painted canvas, to add texture and surface interested to a painted piece. You can grab a piece of fabric, some thread and a needle, and be ready to go for the session!

The Thursday Club

Choose either way to try out some stitches and learn a meditative way to create.


The cool thing about The Thursday Club is that you can join for the one time session on Thursday, have the replay available, with no long term commitment. A great way to try out the live session and give it a go!

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