Fabric Dyeing

Another thing I played around with last week was fabric dyeing.
fabric dyeing
I have always wanted to try this. I did a very small bleaching experiment a few years ago, but nothing since. And I love the idea of dyeing my own fabric to get a certain color- plus, it’s your own fabric when you dye and create it’s color, right? But I know nothing about dyeing fabric, seemed a little scary until last week. I had recently picked up this bookย and just decided to go for it. Order the supplies and give one of author’s simpler projects a try, the dip dyed placemats. All my supplies were ordered from Dharma Trading, with the exception of the plastic buckets, gloves, mask, I grabbed from Lowe’s. Friday was the perfect day to give it all a try.
Following Kim’s instructions, I accordian folded my PFD cotton quilting weight fabric, rolled it, and put it in the first dye bath (above) which resulted in this-
fabric dyeing
Then I accordian folded the fabric the opposite way, and put it in a second dye bath-
fabric dyeing
Which gave me this-
fabric dyeing
It was all such a thrill, I did a second colorway!
fabric dyeing
Overall, much easier than I expected. Proper preparation is definitely key (wear old clothes, mask your face when handling the dye powder, cover your surface area well, etc…).
I’m trying to resist ordering more dye, but now that the dyeing has been demystified, those colors are like a bowl full of M&M’s.
I’ll share what I am doing with the fabric later this week. Have you ever tried dyeing? Did you love it? Hate it? I’d love to hear!

  • betz

    March 18, 2014 at 5:04 am

    Beautiful! That’s very cool. Do you think you’ll sew a top or dress and dip dye it? Please? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • erin

    March 18, 2014 at 7:40 am

    i haven’t dyed much, but there are a couple of ladies in my modern quilt guild that dye all of their own fabrics. They also dyed perle cotton for hand quilting!
    also, i was just thinking of bleach discharging last week so thank you for that link to your post. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • erin

    March 18, 2014 at 7:41 am

    i also love betz’s idea!

  • Cheryl Arkison

    March 19, 2014 at 1:31 pm

    I’ve only done it once. We did a range of colours. All pink on one end, then all blue on the other. In between were varying amounts of the two. I am down to my last scraps of those fabrics. My host in Inuvik recently showed me a lot of the dying she does and it got me excited again. I’m waiting for summer so I can make a mess outside.

  • psmflowerlady/tammy

    March 19, 2014 at 5:37 pm

    I’m a knitter and sometimes-spinner and I love dyeing yarn and roving! You can even use Kool Aid for wool which makes experimenting very inexpensive and safer too if kiddo’s are involved. I’ve always wanted to try batik dyeing too. Crafting makes being a grown up so dang much more fun dontcha think?

  • Drake Pillsbury

    March 20, 2014 at 5:00 pm

    Those turned out really nice. I love the colors. I love dyeing and I like the look of that method. I am looking for some different techniques I currently use a method which is to overstuff my bucket and let all my fabric sit for an hour. It gives everything a more mottled appearence, I like the clean crisp look of your fabric.

  • Cruz

    April 28, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    I could not like to the book!

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