Gaining Momentum

I’m so happy that Ian’s quilt is coming together, these projects sit on my worktable for far too long these days. All I needed was a reasonable deadline. Not a crazy one, a doable one. I was thinking of this when I was watching Project Runway with Emma today. I mean, how the heck do those designers really know they’ll get it done in time? How much of those garments are actually glued together I wonder?
Anyway, those strips in the photo get sewn together and are the marquee’s around the solid squares, which are light gray. I’m really happy with the patterns I chose for this one. That was the challenge of this quilt, 90% of what I looked at would not have worked for this Lego-lovin’, Warriors reading, soccer playing 8 year old. He has very strong opinions about almost everything in his world and will literally hold his ears if he hears anything he considers girly or babyish, so I had to tread lightly through the world of patterned quilting cottons. One flower and he’ll banish it.




  • Katie

    September 21, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    I think everyone right now is going through a wardrobe cleansing! I just went through my entire closet and moved all of my cosplay out of my regular closet and took inventory of my regular clothing.

  • Charise

    September 21, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    I too am looking at going back to the apparel industry. I’ve been freelancing, basically working at home as an apparel designer for about 8 years.
    Would love to hear more about your experience getting back to the “real world”. Take Care!

  • Morgan

    September 21, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Oh the quilt is coming along so nicely! Can’t wait to see the finished product!!

  • suzie sews

    September 22, 2009 at 4:00 am

    wow coming along so well. Love the hint about clothes, mmmm going to give this some thought….

  • brandy

    September 22, 2009 at 4:47 am

    Beautiful stack of “manly” fabrics you have there! It’s going to be a very “handsome” quilt!

  • rachel | buttons magee

    September 22, 2009 at 6:55 am

    Thanks for the mention Blair. I love that so many of us are working on rebuilding our wardrobes right now. And how many times can I tell you how much I admire your quilting determination. I just can’t ever seem to follow through on them.

  • Lizette

    September 22, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    What an amazing quilt this is going to be! You must have an amazing collection of scraps after making those strips. Next time you clean up think of me 🙂 Did I tell you that I’m working on a quilt design for Sophia and Enzo as well? They both need one for this winter (well, not really “need” but it’s about time they have one) and they both have had a favorite color for a couple of years to work from: brown and orange respectively. I need to check out your books for more inspiration:)

  • blair/wisecraft

    September 22, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    Lizette, wish we were closer, we could do these quilts together! A good old
    fashioned quilting bee!

  • martha

    September 22, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    that quilt is going to be awesome.
    and when are you going to tell us more about the new job?!?
    dropping little bits like “heading back into the apparel industry” are driving me crazy:)

  • emily

    September 22, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    oooooh! i love how your quilt is coming along. i especially like the pea green color that shows up a bunch. thanks, also, for the link to rachel’s post on sprucing up her wardrobe. i visit my local thrift shop each week (on 1/2 price day), and, after reading rachel’s post, i think i will develop a little plan or concept for my next visit.

  • blair/wisecraft

    September 22, 2009 at 3:47 pm

    she’s been out of the country, so I’m waiting to find out details. I promise
    to share once it actually happens.

  • Kelly

    September 23, 2009 at 9:33 am

    Would love to see more details on how your new looks come together. I love my cords, but am sometimes stumped on how to mix/match. This Fall is going to be all about stretching what I already have, so I better get a little more adventurous. Good luck!

  • Kate Dotson

    September 23, 2009 at 7:26 pm

    Oh, I know how you feel about finding boyish quilt fabrics! I have 6 baby blankets on my list and the only two that know the sex are boys… it’s so hard to find something with no flowers!! I’m holding out to find fabric for the others hoping maybe they’re girls so I won’t be quite as restricted. 🙂

  • blair/wisecraft

    September 23, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    I know Kate. Maybe its why I like polka dots so much, they feel a little
    more unisex to me when done a certain way.

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