#myquiltcouldlivehere : Lone Star Quilt

Lone Star Quilt by Wise Craft Handmade
I hope everyone has had or is having a great holiday! We’ve been relaxing with family. The time away from the studio is inspiring me and I will be very ready to get back in there soon.


Still introducing my new quilts, and today I wanted to talk about the Lone Star quilt.  My version of the classic Lone Star has 8 points, though there are many variations, some with 6, and some with many more. It’s considered an advanced type of piecing because there are some tricky Y seams and lots of points to line up. (If you are new to the concept of a Y seam, here’s a good video to explain the basic idea.) It does require some focus, but put me in my studio with good coffee, a good podcast and fabric to play with, and I’m totally up for a challenge like this.


My version of the Lone Star has a sunny color palette and lovely, soft hand. Made from a collection of bedsheets with slightly faded shades of oranges, whites, and yellows, with little pops of greens. The yellow area outside the star is quilted with all-over swirl stitches. By contrast, the star itself  is stitched in the ditch with minimal lines, to allow it to drape nicely.


The sheets I used were incredibly soft, even more so after I thoroughly cleaned them using my favorite methods. There turned out to be not as much usable yardage of the floral sheet as I’d hoped, so in the end this quilt looks very different than my original idea. But I love the utilitarian challenge of making do with what I have these days.


Where would this quilt live? Ideally in a Moonrise Kingdom, slightly sepia-toned world, where things are bought once, chosen well, and loved forever.


Lone Star Quilt Collage

Thank you for indulging these quilt collages, I am having so much fun putting them together! It’s so fun to tie a story around each one of these quilts.

See all the quilt collages I’ve done for #myquiltcouldlivehere on Instagram or Pinterest.

Here’s hoping you enjoy your last days of 2014! Can you believe 2015 is almost here?

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