A New Racer Quilt
I recently made a new version of the “Racer” quilt in Wise Craft Quilts. Made entirely of Tyvek and synthetic knit racing numbers. I’ve made several of these now, but this particular quilt was extra special. And, a bit difficult to make. Made in honor of a family friend who passed away very suddenly while cycling last Fall. He loved cycling and competitive racing, as was very good at it. As with any important project like this, the hardest part is getting started. Once I push through the start, I can quickly get into the flow. I was a good quilter and actually ditch stitched each and every seam. After that was done, I decided to free motion quilt cog shapes randomly around the quilt with black thread, as well as outline every number. Such an honor to have been entrusted to make this piece.
(For those who are interested: There is a project similar to this, as well as tips I’ve learned from sewing with Tyvek material, in my newest book.)