Shows to watch while crafting


Yesterday we had our monthly Zoom meet up for the Snowflake Sampler Block of the Month. We all agree that hand stitching- really any kid of crafting- has provided a nice way to keep hands busy and relax our mind when we sit down. Some of our members live is areas that are now experiencing their 3rd lockdown and warnings of possibly more. Keeping our hands busy, and creating a rhythm with our movement is a great way to relax the mind and calm our thoughts. And I’m not going to lie, the added surprise of a new block each month in our BOM has been fun too!

I often save my hand stitching and embroidery until the evenings, when I am most likely to watch tv or my iPad. Even though I am often designing new pieces for my business, like the sampler above, I don’t usually  hand stitch during the day. It just always feels like I’m not really working if I do. Hard to explain, and maybe it’s because hand embroidery is so enjoyable for me. I just feel like I should do it when I’m “not working”.

Which is silly I know. Its important to remember its ok if we enjoy our chosen daily work!

Anyway, the Block of the Month group and I talked about shows we’ve watched during our time at home, when we are stitching. I will admit that I watch too much reality television, and after a time, it doesn’t feel as enjoyable (its feels like eating too much junk food). I’m looking for more inspiring shows and movies I can watch at home to get a little inspiration while stitching.

Maybe you have some ones you go to again and again to rewatch, or maybe you’d like to discover some new ones. So here’s a list to get us going-


  • The House of Eliot (BBC/Britbox subscription)
  • The Crown (Netflix)
  • The Great British Baking Show (Netflix)
  • Call The Midwife (Netflix)
  • The Artist is Present (Amazon Prime Video)
  • Art 21 series (Youtube, Amazon Prime Video)
  • Crafting in America (Youtube, Amazon Prime Video)

I am also a huge true crime junkie, and have watched some great series:

  • Mindhunter (Netflix)
  • This is a Robbery (Netflix)


This is really just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any favorite shows you like to watch while crafting, hand sewing, knitting, etc, please share them on the Wise Craft Facebook Page.

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