World Embroidery Series III with Tatter

I am thrilled to be teaching at Tatter’s World Embroidery Series III. My workshop on Chicken Scratch embroidery will be on Thursday, October 10th from 12pm-2:30pm ET.
Tatter contacted me a little over a month ago to discuss their World Embroidery Series lineup. They have taught this series twice before and each time they offer it they choose amazing techniques and experienced instructors to offer a whole series of online classes you can take from the comfort of your own sewing space.

Instead of doing on specific project in my class, we will instead learning several of the basic stitches that together make up the look of Chicken Scratch. I will share some vintage pieces from my own collection, talk a little about the history of this technique, and why I love it so much. From there, I will share stitches and how to combine them into patterns and motifs. I’ll also share information on my favorite type of gingham fabric (which this technique is always stitched on) and favorite embroidery floss to use for Chicken Scratch. You will leave class with inspiration and knowledge you can use to create you own varieties of Chicken Scratch motifs.
From the Tatter class description, “Chicken Scratch Embroidery is a vintage hand embroidery technique that has been used to add detail, patterning, and decoration to gingham fabric. Using the grid patterning of gingham fabric to create the stitch pattern, Chicken Scratch is easy to learn and meditative to stitch. In this workshop, Blair Stocker will cover a variety of the basic stitches that make up this type of embroidery, her favorite supplies, and tips for successful stitching. She will also share a bit of the history of Chicken Scratch embroidery in the United States, through the vintage samples she has collected. With just a few materials, you will find that gingham fabric can be completely transformed!”

“Tatter explores the medium of textiles to tell human stories and cultivate understanding.” A wonderful, non-profit company that focuses on celebrating and expanding the knowledge of all forms of textiles.
The World Embroidery Series III will include not only my workshop on Chicken Scratch embroidery, but Hungarian Embroidery, Sashiko, Raojia and Korean Embroidery. I am humbled to be a part of their instructor short list.
September 13, 2024 at 12:23 pmHi Blair! I hope You can give this workshop on a Friday or weekend so I can attend. I just love chicken scratch since I learned with You and would love to design my own.
Blair Stocker
September 16, 2024 at 10:45 amHi Carmen! Unfortunately it’s schedule on their end, based on my availability, so Thursday 10/10 was the date they picked. If this is popular, I’ll do it again for my own folks though. Thanks for asking!
Susan R
October 2, 2024 at 9:03 amIs there a place to view this workshop? Every time I click on it I get a message to update something. and I cannot get beyond this …
Blair Stocker
October 4, 2024 at 12:42 pmSusan the workshop is part of this full series, click on individual sections for more info. Hope that helps!