The New Found & Foraged Collection


The Found and Foraged Collection has been an idea in the making for a long time. My thought was to create a way to inspire me to keep producing original work. So often, when a creative passion turns into a business, the process can become overwhelmingly uninspiring. It can seem like too much computer work, not enough playing with fabric and thread. I don’t want that to happen. So why not challenge myself to create new pieces of art? New pieces that allow me to play with new creative ideas, concepts, and materials. It has been pure joy to work on these pieces.



New Sashiko Coaster Making Bundle

Sashiko Pattern Set 2
Many of you who stitched along with me during the #wisecraftstitchalong Sashiko Coaster series wanted a light colorway option in addition to the navy blue one offered in the complete kit, and I’m happy to say that its here! READ MORE

The Process of Rediscovery

F & F Collection Peek
Being the only one at the helm of this ship called Wise Craft Handmade ⎯ the only one to produce, make things happen, create new products, post online, write patterns ⎯ is both challenging and exciting. There is never a time that I don’t feel I could be doing more- more work, more reaching out, more social media, more product design. There is pressure to work more efficiently, quicker, smarter, and do all the necessary things to make more of a business to my creative world.


Wabi-Sabi Embroidery

Wabi Sabi Embroidery

From Wikipedia- In traditional Japanese aesthetics, Wabisabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.READ MORE

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