I’m writing a new book and I’d like your help!

Vintage Photos of people on quilts Wise Craft Handmade
I feel like I can finally let you in on what I’m working on here at the studio this summer. I’m in the process of writing a new book! And I need your help!
I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write another book and I knew that I wanted a second book to be all about upcycled quilts and creatively reusing meaningful materials in quilts. Quilts that tell stories. These types of quilts have become a major part of the work I do and feel I have a story to tell in book form. I am just really starting to dive in full throttle, after pondering and preplanning for some time now.
To help tell the story for this book I have asked Stephanie Congdon Barnes, the West Coast Portland half of 3191, to photograph the book. Stephanie has been working with me behind the scenes since I told her about this crazy idea for a book. She has such a gift of capturing everyday, beautiful life in a very beautiful, inspiring way. I knew I wanted her to photography my quilts for this book and honestly, I can’t wait to see my work through her eyes! Our collaboration is already inspiring my work. (Her photography above of my collection of vintage photographs of people on quilts.) (She and I will be showing sneak peeks tagged #wisecraftquiltsbook as we create the book on Instagram- 3191 Miles Apart and BlairS. We hope you’ll follow along.)
This book is due out in Spring of 2017 (yes, publishing books is the one thing that never seems to get speedier) and will be published by Roost. They have welcomed me into their family and I feel so lucky to be working with them.
And now where you come in! There are two ways I need your help.
1. I am looking for your quilt and textiles stories. About textiles in your life that have been made in a quilt, or that you’d like to make into a quilt, or that are simply very special to you and your life story for some reason. We all seem to have them and I’m very curious to know yours. Often when I speak to groups about using clothing and significant textiles in my work, they will stop me afterwards, whether it be to tell me about the collection of silk pajama pants that their dad’s company made, or the collection of silk coat linings a mother kept in a box when she tailored suits and coats for friends. Whether it be a collection of your Grandad’s favorite flannel shirts, or your baby’s clothes, I’d like you to tell me the story for possible inclusion in the book. I have been spending a lot of time going through the stories from the Cloth & Memory exhibition from a few years ago and am engrossed in reading about how emotions, memories, and comfort can be so closely tied to a quilt or garments. Would you considering emailing your stories to me? Please email them to blairwisecraft@gmail.com (Subject line “Quilt Story”). I can’t wait to read them!!
2. One of the projects I will make for the book is a quilt of baby clothes. I could try and curate a collection of beautiful baby clothes, but that’s not really how many baby’s wardrobes look now is it? You may recall the baby clothes quilt I made several weeks ago for a client. The idea of the quilt for the book will be the same, but a different pattern. If you have a collection of your baby’s clothes and are interested in having them made into a quilt (at no cost to you, I only ask that your quilt be held for photographing for the book), please email me at blairwisecraft@gmail.com (Subject Line “Baby Quilt”). Done! Look for it in my newest book!
Thank you. Every one of you. From the bottom of my heart. This book would not be possible if it weren’t for the enthusiastic response you gave my first book. Thank for believing in and rooting for the work I do, and for always cheering me on. I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

  • Maryse

    June 30, 2015 at 4:22 am

    Do you know Chawne Kimber? She’s a very talented quilter who made a quilt from her father’s tie collection. Maybe she’d be interested in sharing it with you.

    • Blair Stocker

      July 6, 2015 at 11:44 am

      Thank you Maryse, I’m off to look her up right now!

  • Erin Harris

    June 30, 2015 at 4:50 am

    So excited for you! And what a dream collaboration with Stephanie. I’ll help in any way I can – I still have all the girls’ baby clothes. You can have them if you want. xo.

  • Tina Kercher

    July 1, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    What a wonderful opportunity! I can’t wait to see your book.

  • Sue Addison

    July 2, 2015 at 6:44 pm

    The first thing that came to mind when I read your blog post, was the quilt my Grandmother just gave me. She made it for her hope chest about 78 years ago. It is made out of corset fabric scraps that she obtained from her aunt who worked in a corset factory. She apologized for the backing fabric looking so shabby. She explained that she only had a few dollars to spend on fabric to finish it. The top is done in the crazy quilt fashion with pastel embroidery around each piece. I am planning to put a new backing on her beautiful quilt, so I will be on the hunt for the perfect fabric to honor all her hard work. She is not long for this world, but her quilt will last for generations to come.
    On another note, my step mother made myself and my two sisters quilted pillows from my fathers shirts after he passed. The fronts are squares cut from many of his plaid and striped shirts and the back is cut from one of his many fun t-shirts. Each square brings back memories of cookouts, birthdays and Christmas.
    I just love the idea of re-purposing fabrics. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

    • Blair Stocker

      July 6, 2015 at 11:43 am

      Thank you so much for sharing this story Sue!

  • Kathi Martin

    July 7, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    Hi Blair!
    My greatest joy in quilt making is exactly what your book will be based on — making quilts out of things that perhaps others may view as trash. I’m sure you’ve heard this one many times before, but I have been collecting selvedges for quite some time and have finally finished my selvedge blocks. Rather than hide perfectly good muslin, I decided on used dryer sheets. That’s the part I’m sure you’ve heard before. Anyway, it’s been a great journey. I own a small quilt store and the majority of the quilts I make are new fabric off the bolt so my selvedge quilt(s) have been a joy. I call them my trash quilts. I have ended up with enough blocks to make three different quilts because I have experimented with the strange size of dryer sheets. They will all be very different!
    Best of luck in your book – It sounds wonderful.
    Kathi Martin

    • Blair Stocker

      August 9, 2015 at 7:34 pm

      Thank you so much for this Kathi! I love that selvedges can create a quilt, I’ve always been in love with the idea (guess that’s why I wanted to write a book like this). Not only do they become functional, but they are full of memories and reminders of your journey as a quilt shop owner. I would love to see a picture of your quilt sometime.

  • Darlene

    July 8, 2015 at 5:22 am

    My father-in-law and mother-in-law wrote letters back and forth during 1947 and 48 before they were married. I transferred the love letters to fabric and made a quilt including photos. I call it my Love Letter Quilt.

    • Blair Stocker

      August 9, 2015 at 7:32 pm

      I LOVE this idea Darlene! Something like love letters would usually be kept in a box, but you’ve figured out how to keep them out and continue the story! I’d love to see a picture of it!

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