Q(uilting) & A Video series continues today, let’s talk about Fat Quarters!
On this week’s Q(uilting) & A video, I explain the concept of fat quarters of fabric. Why I love them, and why they are so useful!
A fat quarter is literally a quarter yard of fabric that is “cut fat”. This means that instead of cutting from a 1/4 yard of fabric, from selvedge to selvedge, giving you a 9″ wide, long piece of fabric, you get half of a half yard cut. A piece that measures more like 18 x 21″. That is a lot more useful for most quilt patterns today.
I make a lot of scrappy quilts, so fat quarters are perfect for the kind of work I do. I also get asked to design quilt patterns for fabric companies that are “fat quarter friendly”. This means that if I am designing a quilt for a particular print line, I create the design to utilize a fat quarter of each of the prints in that line. It makes it super easy for the consumer, if they want to make the pattern. They buy the pattern and a fat quarter set of the fabric, and they are ready to jump in! That’s exactly the way I designed the Portal quilt pattern-
Portal Quilt PDF Pattern
The “Throw” size of this quilt utilizes one complete set of the “Stellar” line by Rashida Coleman-Hale for Ruby Star Society. Look for more details on a #wisecraftstitchalong happening with the Portal pattern soon!