2021 Block of the Month- Explore Chicken Scratch embroidery with me!

Chicken Scratch embroidery


I have been designing and planning and scheming behind the scenes. All because I’ve become obsessed with vintage Chicken Scratch embroidery.

If you have never heard of it- Chicken Scratch embroidery has been around many years and is called many different names- Snowflake Embroidery, Amish Lace, etc. Lots of us may have learned it or watched older members of our family stitch up these embroidery patterns. A combination of embroidery and a sort of weaving that goes through the stitches, creating sort of an optical effect and beautiful texture on the surface of your fabric, which is always gingham check.

I found a vintage piece of chicken scratch at an antique store several years ago. I bought it, but put it away for a long time. When I got it out early this year, I started playing around with the idea of Chicken Scratch embroidery and all the different variations and was completely hooked! It creates such a gorgeous effect on fabric, I wanted to try every single variation!


Chicken Scratch block


So many vintage blocks I found were in colors that didn’t feel modern and new. There’s lots of gingham fabric color options available these days, why not create a more modern feel to this beautiful vintage craft?


Chicken Scratch embroidery block


I have designed a complete Block of the Month program for 2021 around Chicken Scratch Embroidery (although I’m choosing to call is Snowflake Embroidery, which feels much more inspired to me). I will be announcing details for this Block of the Month in the next couple of weeks. I have curated a beautiful selection of embroidery threads and block patterns that will create a beautifully modern quilt.


Join us and make a gorgeous Chicken Scratch Embroidered sampler quilt in 2021. Promotional pricing, a HUGE savings of $50, is available until Thursday, Dec. 17th, 2020. All details and FAQ on this page.

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