3 ways to get inspired again

Creative Reset


I was not sure what this week’s Q(uilting) & A video would be about until I talk with my daughter. She asked a really smart question. What do you do to keep creativity flowing, when you are tired, stressed, or worried.

Boy, is that timely..


The world is weird right now. No other way to put it. I went from feeling sad 2 weeks ago, thinking that my daughter would likely not be home for the Summer and my son couldn’t wait to leave for college, to spending ALOT OF TIME with my whole family. I am trying to remember the good in that. So much good. We are all okay for now. Our homebody personalities are suited to hang out here at the house.


But a lot of people are not used to spending quite this much time around at home. Maybe this is you. And you were initially thinking I want to do all the things!! I want to make lots of quilts!!

And then you promptly sat down in front of the tv, flipping channels.


This week, I’m sharing 3 simple tricks that I’ve successfully used many times to get me creative when I feel tapped or uninspired. Often, just one or a combination of these can make me feel like being productive again.


The other point in this week’s video is this- you don’t have to create during this time. If your heart is just not in it, it’s ok. You will get that spark back when the time is right. Don’t force it.


Take care everybody.


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