My Single Girl Quilt

Single Girl Quilt
I put the final handstitches on the binding of the Denyse Schmidt’s Single Girl quilt yesterday afternoon. I do not remember feeling quite this satisfied with a project in a while. This project started quite a while back in craft time, and as most quilts, it happened in stages…fits…bursts of energy really. Those curves took a lot of focus and concentration. Some days we’re up for that, others…not so much. So, it sat, folded, until the next day of “okay, let’s do this” motivation came.READ MORE

Organizing with Drawstring Bags

drawstring bag pattern
drawstring bag pattern
When there is a lot of ’round the house tasks to be done, I like to think that’s just all part of the quality time my family and I spend together when we all take part. (There are those here who would disagree.) READ MORE

Grow Where You Are Planted

This simple pot on our front stoop has become somewhat symbolic to me, a sign of season’s change, reminding me there’s even beauty in snow covered dead plants when you look hard enough. Which, in a roundabout way, reminds me…READ MORE

How It Goes Down Around Here

Melissa mentioned watching 4 seasons of Mary Tyler Moore while getting some solitary sewing done a few weeks ago and I gasped. “You can watch Mary Tyler Moore?” “On“? “No kidding!” To which Peter did a little eye roll and the kids asked “what’s Marytylermoore?”READ MORE

Holiday Gifts We Made

We actually just finished giving our gifts, due to snow days, illness, and my forgetfulness. I thought I would share what holiday gifts we made this season. holiday gifts READ MORE

Girl Scout Friendship Pins

Girl Scout Friendship Pins
Brownie girls, that is.  They made friendship pins to send to our penpals in Colorado (Jessica, don’t look, they are in the mail).  I love how completely old school they are.  Did you guys make these in the 80’s?  Who out there still has one pinned to an old denim jacket from high school?  Our 3rd graders just loved these and did such a good job of making them, a very successful project.  We picked Girl Scout, Brownie, and Trefoil patterns from here, there are more patterns here, more patterns everywhere if you google friendship pins.READ MORE

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