A Bouquet of Lilies

Our neighbor left a bouquet of lilies on our front porch, picked from her beautiful garden. I decided to put them in separate vases on our mantle. Their wonderful smell fills the entire downstairs (I didn’t know lillies could smell like that!). Several of you have asked about that mirror before. I thrifted it, then painted it, for Peter for Christmas the first year we were dating. So…16 years ago. I went a little nuts on the faux finishing (what? it was big then), but we still like it even now. The vases are a mixture of new Jonathan Adlers (the second from the left is an J. Adler toothbrush holder) and ones I’ve picked up thrifting.
Thank you all so much for the lovely comments about the quilt (and about Ian’s birthday) you’ve left me! Brightens my day as much as these flowers.

Stash Value Quilt


I spent most of Friday and Saturday stitching and binding the Stash Value Quilt. I was completely ready to finish it, no matter what, and we had no commitments this weekend. I machine stitched in the ditch around all the blocks, then made binding for the edges in a Kona Cotton Grass Green. I handstitched the binding on Saturday morning, removed the basting stitches, then washed and dried it. Done. Whew!READ MORE



I made some progress on Ian’s marquee quilt. I’m liking the selection of fabrics I finally settled on (with a little help from a surprise package from Erin back when I started). Very gender neutral is what I was hoping for. He’s just feeling too old these days for hedgehogs and robots (which, at the ripe old age of almost 8, is sad, but true). READ MORE

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