Lego City

Lego City
Last day of summer vacation was spent building a Lego city from the ground up. They started in the morning, and did not stop until I made them get in the car to go meet their teachers and find their lockers. When we got home, they gulped down some dinner, then headed upstairs to keep building.READ MORE

The Last Bits of Summer


– of the lazy afternoons of summer
– of the peaches that need to be eaten over the sink
– of sleeping with the windows opened wide
– of spending the day in your bathing suit (um, that’s the kids, not me)
Knowing that Fall and getting back to school will bring its own memories.
But what a nice summer we’ve had!
Have a great weekend!

Bleach Discharge Patchwork

I made this patchwork quilted piece using some of the fabrics I discharged with bleach a few days ago. With all the squares and stripes in this patchwork piece I thought it might like a round home, and I’ve had a few round fabric pillow forms in my supplies for a while. A few trials and I could possibly be getting closer to a round shape that actually looks like I want it to, but its frustrating. Why do round pillows stump me? Random things in sewing stump me. Zipper? No problem… Making a king sized quilt? Not a problem?…. Oh, wait, you said a round pillow? Complete Befuddlement. I’ll get there.
I did a post today over at nonchalant mom on heading back to school. I’d love to hear what routines and strategies are working for you guys. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to keep them on task. I’m sure going to miss them when they head back next week, but I am looking forward to being a little more productive and focused all around.
And quite honestly Ian could stand to read something other than the Lego catalog. Anything.
Hey, this posting every day thing is not too bad!



Tuesday felt like fall. Drizzly…cool…overcast… Oh, Fall! I’m ready. Its my favorite time of year. There is so much going on around here, yet somehow the thought of having a new routine to get us on a formal track is not coming a minute too soon.READ MORE

Bleaching Fabrics

fabric bleaching
Bleaching fabrics like quilting cottons is something I’ve wanted to try for a while. This seems like a natural progression for someone obsessed with fabric like I am, and apparently the crafting world at large is thinking the same thing, because there are some fabulous books currently out and soon to be out that can easily walk you through all you need to know to do this (more on that in a minute).
On Sunday, I decided to try bleach discharge. I pulled out a dozen or so fabrics, in a range of shades from dark to light, some blues and greens, some pinks and reds, to see how the different colors would react. I set up shop in the backyard with an empty plastic bin, and mixed a simple solution of 4 quarts water with 4 cups bleach. I added the fabric into the solution in three different batches (not sure this was entirely necessary, but I did), then set the timer for 5 minute increments. (Note I did not add soap in the solution, the bubbles could be from stirring.)
fabric bleaching
I have to say it didn’t seem to alter the fabric at all for most of the time it was in the solution (although I’m sure it was), but when I did start to see a change in the fabric colors it happened fast, so my advice is to keep your eyes on it. This batch came out about 15 minutes later, I left the next fabrics in for the same amount of time. Then I ran them all through a wash cycle to remove the bleach, then pressed them out.
Here’s the results-
fabric bleaching
fabric bleaching
All of these are quilting cottons, with the exception of the linen Lotta Jansdotter on the bottom right of the last photo. Some fabrics changed quite a bit, some not so much. But fun, right? The most interesting changes are when the dye washes away and brings out some undertone in the original color that didn’t show up as much in the original. I think I’d like to play with this some more, adjusting the times the fabrics are in the solution, etc.
fabric bleaching
I started a new pillow, pairing one of the bleached pieces with its original (an Amy Butler print). This is very cool stuff. I am really excited that Malka’s book is due out in November. If its anything like her blog and beautiful fabrics, it will only inspire me further. And Amy’s book came last week, which sort of sent me off on this tangent to begin with, but more on that tomorrow. I’m going to try to blog every day this week, to get me back in the habit, plus I just have lots to talk about.
Oh! And today I have a interview up over at The Progressive Pioneer
(thank you Amy!).
Have a great day!

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