Library Journal: Wise Craft Quilts Among Best Books of 2017

Library Journal Best of 2017

I was very honored to have Wise Craft Quilts named one of the “Best Books of 2017” in Library Journal Magazine! Not only is it an honor to be chosen, but to be chosen by a group of people who are deeply immersed in all things book each and every day. I find it doubtful there are books these folks haven’t looked at. So I am especially grateful to have my work recognized.READ MORE

‘Tis the season for some Slow Stitching

Sashiko coaster
What is slow stitching, you ask? Well, in my book that would be hand sewing, hand piecing, and time taken to learn new hand stitching skills. We recently completed the latest #wisecraftstitchalong, the Sashiko coasters (slow and satisfying stitching) over in the Wise Craft Youtube Channel and it was loads of fun. I’m finding my comfort level in front of the camera more every session of these Facebook Live videos, and I am loving being able to connect with everyone in real time! But if you aren’t a fan of Facebook, or you didn’t get a chance to follow along with the FB Live stitching sessions, not to worry. I’ve created playlists of both of the #wisecraftstitchalongs we’ve done so far and they are now up on my YouTube channel.

Sashiko Stitching Kits back in stock

Many have asked, and I’m happy to say I was able to get a few more Sashiko Stitching kits! (sold out for now). We are using these to stitch up our current #wisecraftstitchalong we have going on in the Wise Craft YouTube Challen, and have more than enough supplies to continue stitching Sashiko on lots of things once you’ve got the hang of it.

New #wisecraftstitchalong starting soon! Learn to stitch Sashiko!

Sashiko coaster

Samples for our next #wisecraftstitchalong.

(Added- Scroll the end of post for downloadable templates and supply list as they are available.)
I had such a great time demonstrating the way I English Paper Piece in our recent #wisecraftstitchalong.  Let’s do another one! What do you say?


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