Quiltcon 2018

I had such an inspiring time at Quiltcon last week. I got back on Sunday and, after collapsing on the couch just in time to watch the return of The Walking Dead with the family, started unpacking the class projects started, things I purchased there, and reflected on my trip.
I’ve been Quiltcon one other time, and I believe it was the 2014 one in Austin, TX (time speeds by so fast, its hard to remember some days). This year, Pasadena was a no brainer for me to get to – a 2 hour flight from Seattle. How could I miss it?I went with my Sister-in- Law Jen. Most of the people that know me will hear me mention her often. We’re lucky to have each other and it was a great chance for us to spend some time together (something that doesn’t happen as often as I’d like!) We rented this incredible Airbnb guest house that was about a little over a mile walk to the Convention Center, so every morning started this basement recluse off with a little sunshine on the face, just what I needed (I spend an awful lot of time in my basement studio…)
The quilts hanging this year- AMAZING! I saw so much beautiful work from all over the world that just made me gasp. Looking at these quilts, I was completely wow’ed. I was extremely humbled to have “Boro” hanging among them. Its a terrible photo of me (I was windblown from our walk!) but its proof that I came, I saw, I hung!
There was so much amazing work, that after a while I started to focus on the details that seemed to attract me most from the quilts I love. I noticed lots of overlay work- layers of sheer fabric either on top of the layers, or just under the quilt top layer, creating soft details-

Season Evans– “Tower: 1 Rage” The shadowed areas are actually the fabric “woven” under the white layer.

Jessica Wohl– “Good Luck” made of found fabrics (always my favorite!) and tulle overlay lettering. (You can see the entire quilt here).

I didn’t get the maker name of this one (anyone reading this that knows please let me know and I’ll add it). The stars and the sharp color changes were just incredible, would have loved to have seen this being constructed.
There were beautiful denim quilts-

Tara Glastonbury “Blue Giant”

Charlotte Noll “Blue Jean Butterflies”

There were so many more beautiful quilts, be sure and scroll through the #quiltcon2018 Instagram feed to see more.
I took so many fun classes this trip. And so many fun people in them! I intentionally signed up for classes that would allow me to explore some new techniques and my schedule kept me in class morning and afternoon. I will share some snippets of the projects on my Instagram feel, I’m planning to work on them some more soon! (Otherwise I’ll just get distracted again!).
I spent some time on Friday at the Brooklyn Haberdashery booth showing folks what the Ruby Ruler™ can do. What a lovely booth they had!

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