Q(uilting) & Answer Video Series starts today

Ruby Ruler by Wise Craft handmade


Crossing a big goal off my to do list for 2020 right here at the start-

Today I’ve launched a brand new weekly video series on my Youtube channel. Q(uilting) and Answer is short, weekly videos that answer quilting questions I get asked. You’ve asked at my lectures and workshops, and I’ve been keeping a running list.




This week’s video is about my Ruby Ruler. I can’t believe out of all the blog posts, FB Lives, and online classes that I have done, I’ve never dedicated one video fully to demo’ing the Ruby Ruler and how to use it for sorting color values. Finally! I show you how I look at color value as I’m sorting fabrics for a scrappy quilts, and how the Ruby Ruler helps me decide dark and light values.

Like many of us, I am not entirely comfortable in front of the camera at all. And being a quilter, I would have never guessed that videographer would be a needed job description. But I am considering this series a sort of strange exposure therapy. After working on this several weeks, I can tell you, if I can do it, anyone can do it.  No film crew, no video editor, no fancy set up. I do every single part of this process myself- the filming, the editing, all of it. When there’s a real drive for me to learn something, it can happen! (Fun fact- I’m waiting for a new tripod to be delivered. So for now, the camera is stacked on a HUGE pile of books!)

Enjoy today’s video, and please subscribe to my Youtube channel, and click the bell, so you’ll be notified every week when a new video posts! And look for a new Q(uilting) & Answer video next Thursday![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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