Wabi-Sabi Sewing by Karen Lewis
Updated 11/3/18- Winner has been chosen over on Instagram, thanks to everyone who entered!
Giveaway at the bottom of the post!
I’m very excited to share the new book by Karen Lewis out now. Wabi-Sabi Sewing: 20 Sewing Patterns for Perfectly Imperfect Projects. I’ve had the book for a few weeks now, and now that a few big projects are off my worktable, I get to dive in.
I talked a bit about the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi a few weeks ago when I started working on a freeform embroidery piece. It is still on my worktable and isn’t really at a done stage. But I realized making that project that “done” really doesn’t matter.
Neither does it being perfect.
So often we let the goal of perfection get in our way of ever starting or completing something. Our subconscious tells us that if we don’t ever finish it, there will never be a final judgement of perfect or imperfect. A goal to let goal of both in sewing, and in life.
Karen’s book really gives permission to just jump in and try, allowing the end result to be what it is. I have begun to truly appreciate these little imperfections in everything. Its almost like the maker’s own signature in the work. Too perfect? The soul of the piece will be compromised.
I’ve had a pair of Madewell overalls for about a year that came with rips in the knees. I’m fairly certain I paid a premium for those rips. Even though I did find them on the sale rack.
And I knew I would be mending those rips up. Karen’s book reminded me to get them out and finally do it!
Again, I should emphasis, no perfection here. But a darker, lighter weight swatch of denim under the rip, and several rows of stitches across the layers, and I really like what the end result is.
I’m also planning to add some sashiko stitches to the denim just the way Karen suggested in the book. Be sure and see Karen’s Instagram feed to see the other folks making projects from Wabi-Sabi Sewing.
I will be giving away one copy of Wabi-Sabi Sewing to one lucky winner that I will announce on November 3rd on Instagram. (Giveaway is only on Instragram, not on this post)
Its very easy to enter-