New free class- Quilt Batting and Basting

Quilt Batting and Basting


You’ve finished that quilt top. Picked all the perfect colors and fabrics, matched points as you sewed it all up, gave it your best shot. It’s done and you can’t wait to use it.

But wait, there’s a few more steps!READ MORE

Love is Scrappy- free Valentine quilt pattern to newsletter subscribers

Valentine quilt

This value-based happy, scrappy Valentine quilt, called “Love is Scrappy” is a free pattern available to my email subscribers. It’s a very easy make (made even easier with a Ruby Ruler®️). READ MORE

New Q(uilting) & A video up today- What is “squaring up”?

Squaring Up


It’s Thursday! Which means I have a new video for you (this is getting less scary, this video stuff!). Today’s subject is all about the quilting term “squaring up”. What it means and how to do it.READ MORE

Ruby Ambassador Video Interview with Jenny Haynes of Papper Sax Sten

Ruby Ruler Ambassador Papper Sax Sten


Happy Monday to you all! Our heating is currently broken and its bit cold in the house. Fingers crossed the repairman coming in an hour can fix it quickly. (Send warm thoughts!)

In the meantime, I wanted to share a link to my video interview with Britain-Based quiltmaker Jenny Haynes of Papper Sax Sten. She is one of my Ruby Ruler™ Ambassadors and I love seeing how she is using the Ruby Ruler™ to check color values on her curvy-pieced quilt designs. She manages to create very interesting tunnel and tubular effects using curved piecing and color value.


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