Studio Tour Part 1


I’m very excited to finally bring you a photo tour of my studio! I’ve been asked many times to do a full reveal and its been on my to do list for so long! Construction was completed last Fall, but its taken me a while to really get it as functional as I need it to be. That, coupled with all of the many deadlines that were delayed because I was waiting for it to be finished, and I truly hit the ground running in here back in October of 2021.READ MORE

That time I snuck away from Quiltcon between workshops and went antique shopping


While at Quiltcon in Phoenix back in February, I took advantage of a large chunk of free time between teaching workshops one day to go antique shopping. And I knew someone to ask for recommendations. READ MORE

Join us on FB tomorrow 5/26/22

Mindful Making Quiltfolk FB Live


I hope you will join myself, Jenni Smith, and and Kay Walsh tomorrow, 5/29 over on Facebook. We will be live on the Quiltfolk Facebook page talking about our upcoming workshop, Mindful Making in New Mexico. I had so much fun when Jenni and Kay visited me here in my New Mexico studio, and am so proud of the workshop we put together. We’ll share a peek at the finished project we’ll be making in the workshop, likely “geeking out” over our love of chicken scratch embroidery, and will answer any questions you have. Tune in, makes no difference if you have signed up for the workshop or not!READ MORE

New Pre-Treated Cyanotype Fabric Squares In the Shop

“Cyanotype” from Wise Craft Quilts is filled with poems, sketches, and other mementos from my kids.


When I wrote Wise Craft Quilts, I was interested in creating a book that had all kinds of quilts that had some sort of meaningful element to them. Quilts with fabric that has meaning is certainly important to my work, but what if you have memories you want to preserve in a quilt, but no meaningful fabric tied to those memories to use?READ MORE

Mindful Making in New Mexico with Quiltfolk


I am excited to share with you all about one of the big projects I’ve been working on. Quiltfolk spent some time at my house a couple of months ago and together we created a truly unique online workshop experience!READ MORE

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